Rainier Clinical Research Retirement + Endo Position Opportunity
Dr. Les Klaff is planning on retiring from Rainier Clinical Research Center at the end of June 2022. As such a national search for an Endocrinologist is being conducted to fill his position as a Medical Director of Rainier Clinical Research Center. Dr. Klaff, along with Drs. Allen Sussman and Ron Brazg founded RCRC in 1991 as a part of their Endocrine practice. The company, located in Renton, has grown over the years and now employs approximately 30 people including RDs, RNs and Clinical research coordinators. It conducts FDA regulated Phase 1 through 4 studies, with a strong emphasis on diabetes and metabolism.
These include both Pharma and device studies; the company has been at the forefront of development of new continuous glucose monitoring and automated insulin delivery systems currently marketed by various device manufacturers. We have a phase 1 CRC unit which allows for overnight and prolonged stays, allowing both in-patient and outpatient studies to be conducted.
On the Pharma side the company works with most of the major pharmaceutical companies including Lilly, NovoNordisk, Pfizer, Sanofi etc. For example, we are currently conducting studies of novel weekly insulins, Lilly’s ultra-rapid Humalog, Tirzepatide and Lilly’s new triple G compound.
Further information on the company is available on the website www.rainier-research.com.
The person we are looking for must have a strong interest in Diabetes and Metabolism. They would act as Principal or Sub Investigator on multiple projects. The position is full time, 5 days a week, with minimal weekend or night duties. Salary and benefits are negotiable.
If you know of anyone who may be interested in this position, please pass this announcement on to them. They can contact Dr. Klaff (ljklaff@rainier-research.com) or Dr. Brazg (rbrazg@rainier-research.com) for further details.
Sincerely, R. Alan Failor MD - President Jonathan Halldorson BSN, RN - Administrator
